Altru Ideas

Need additional field for Is Member? (Yes/No) in query

There are often times when you need to output or filter on whether someone is a member. It would save time to have a filter called Is Member? that was a Yes/No value that you can filter and output in query.

This comes into play more often when you want to output whether someone is a member. Right now, you have to output either Membership status or Membership ID and if they are part of more than one membership or have one membership that is Active and one that is lapsed, duplicate lines appear in the query.

Here is a current example:

I need to get a door list of attendees for an event. I need their First Name, Last Name, # of Tickets Purchased, Program Name, Date, Member?, Notes & Order Status. I cannot get all of this information from the Scheduled Event Ticket Detail report (we need notes), so I have to use query. When I output status or membership ID, I get duplicates. I have to manually sift through the list to eliminate the dupes and figure out which line is the correct line to eliminate.

I'm sure there are many other examples, this is just something that I ran across recently. Would anyone else benefit from this field being added to query?
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
  • Attach files
  • +13