Altru Ideas

Group entry capability needed

I am going to be making entries in the documentation module where I will, at times, need to attach multiple people to the entry so it populates in all necessary files at once.

Example 1: in researching real estate values, I would need to add the home value to both the husband and wife's records.

Example 2: We did not have RSVPs for an event but want to note that 150 people attended an opening in the documentation tab.

It is not in the interest of time management to have to manually enter this data repeatedly. Being able to add everyone to a single entry, as needed, makes more sense. This is a feature I've had in every database I've ever used and would like to know when Altru will have this feature, please. Thank you.
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
  • Attach files
  • +2