Altru Ideas

Include more fields on the Vendor Page

On the primary vendor page, it would be helpful if other fields were available. Fax #; Terms; Minimums; Freight Info; Customer #.

We can put some of this information in the description, but if there were dedicated fields --- we could query on them as well.

And everything should be view-able on the primary page because the store staff doesn't have the time to dig around in a record looking for information when they're on the phone with a vendor.

Any chance this is in the works? Thanks.
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    May 11, 2016 22:06

    Customer # and Minimums would be great.  We also do a lot of online ordering from vendors, so I would love to see a place to track the username and password to access the vendor's wholesale site.  

  • +3