Altru Ideas

Add a donation to a Group Sales order

We use Group Sales to process Facility Rentals, and occasionally a client will want to make an additional donation. I can create a custom item to add the charge, but I can't send it to a specific designation. It would be great to be able to accept donations here!

  • Sarah Maddux
  • May 6 2016
  • Reviewed
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    August 21, 2019 15:23

    This idea just came up this week for us! Group wanted to make a donation on top of regular payments - how great! I had to run 2 payments on the card and explain to the customer the issue, but would be great to be able to add it onto the order so it's all in one place. +1 vote from me!

  • Katherine Veliz commented
    August 30, 2017 18:46

    This would be very helpful, as many of our facility rentals happen as a benefit of a membership/contribution.