Altru Ideas

Add a Registration Option Column to Guest Lists

Is it just me or would anyone else's life be vastly improved with the addition of a 'Registration Option" column added to the Registrations tab in Fundraising Events?
Almost all our fundraising events have various ticket levels...Platinum, Gold, Silver, etc. This column would be so helpful for two reasons:
1) There's no clean way that I've found to report on how many of each ticket type we've sold...especially if someone buys in one transaction 1 platinum ticket and 2 copper tickets. It's not easy to parse that information out.
2) When printing out guest lists I want to make sure those at the door know if someone is a platinum level ticket holder so that they can be handled accordingly.
The process right now is to either: a) have a running guest list that I manually update everyday with new registrations or b) Export the registrations from the registration tab and a query of registrants and their registration options/revenue amount and essentially merge the two.
Neither of these options are at all efficient. And just having the registration option column in the registrations tab could, theoretically solve this problem.
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
  • Reviewed
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  • +6