Altru Ideas

Bring RE:'s Query List feature to Altru

Raiser's Edge's Query List feature allows users to write a query and then add or remove certain records from the results. This can be done either through other queries (making them "sub-queries," in essence) or manually on an individual basis. This ability can be very useful when you want to perform an operation or pull a list based on a query, but it is difficult or impossible to target exactly the records you want.

Have you ever had to create an attribute and add it to records just so a query you were writing would cover certain people it missed? With Query List, you'd never have to do that; you could just be sure to add them yourself, and a Static Query would be generated that hits all of your targets.

Sometimes, manual updating or cleanup is necessary, but queries can make it easier to organize the records you want to work with, since records can be opened from query results. The one downside is that it can be tedious to keep track of your place. In these cases, you could use Query List instead, and remove records from the results as you work your way through the list.

Basically, many RE: users find this feature very useful, and if it is useful for them, it would also be useful to Altru users.

  • Daniel Noga
  • Nov 16 2016
  • Reviewed
  • Attach files
  • Rachel Nigro commented
    November 16, 2016 18:20

    Hi Daniel, 

    Altru has something very similar. You can export a query then manually pick and choose records or combine a few lists into a final .CSV file with the constituent look up IDs. You can then import this as a selection into Altru to use in other queries, mailings, or event invitations. 

    Video here: