Altru Ideas

Tab order should be customizable by record type

I get that the individual record and household record are tied together, but when I want the Summary as the first tab on both, when I switch it on one, it won't keep that as the first on the other. I also want the Personal Info--> Personal sub tab to be the first one I see, but when I change that, and then try to switch the order on the household record, it no longer keeps this Personal sub-tab as the first that opens. We need to be able to arrange the tabs on each record type without them affecting each other. Can someone explain why they are tied together?
I want to be able to set Summary to the first tab on BOTH record types. It's such a waste of time clicking through that, and then Personal Info when I can't get the sub-tab I want to show up first either. 
  • Gillian Armstrong
  • Feb 17 2017
  • Reviewed
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