Altru Ideas

Need to select a single membership for member card printing

Altru currently does not provide a method to print the member cards for a specific membership.  The Card Print Process dialog needs to change to include a radio button and selection box for "All Issued cards for a SELECTED MEMBERSHIP" wherein we could simply select a SPECIFIC Membership ID, instead of having to use a constituent query.

When a visitor has purchased or renewed a membership on their way in to visit our museum we want to be able to print their cards and welcome letter while they are here and have it ready for them when they are leaving.  Altru's current Batch-or-none member card process does not accommodate that need at all.

We can get around the batch-or-none problem by taking the time to modify a query for every instance, but that is pure insanity for meeting such an obvious need.

  • Chuck Smith
  • May 12 2017
  • Reviewed
  • Attach files
  • Jennifer Uhl commented
    July 13, 2022 15:06

    Or if you could choose a card format when printing a membership card from the member cards summary tile in the constituent's membership record. Currently, it seems to default to just one card format.