Altru Ideas

Time Out Option for Membership Purchases Online

We discovered that a member was able to renew a membership at an old rate because they had logged in and added a membership to their cart. When I ran the query recommended in KB106799, we discovered that the order had been started over 2 years ago, but never completed. This allowed the member to renew at a much lower rate. Online membership sales should have the option to be configured to time out after a certain length of time (much like event registration forms).

  • Elizabeth Grover
  • Jul 27 2017
  • Reviewed
Customer references Roger Williams Park Zoo
  • Attach files
  • Elizabeth Grover commented
    September 05, 2023 14:42

    Bumping up this suggestion, as again today we had someone take advantage of an expired online discount offer. The patron added the membership to their cart on September 14, 2022, and finalize the sale on September 1, 2023.

    Please add your vote to this suggestion to add a timeout feature for online membership sales.

  • Elizabeth Grover commented
    November 01, 2018 14:49

    We keep running into this issue. Most recently, a guest added a membership to their cart in July 2016 but then abandoned the cart and made the purchase in person.  In October 2018, when she clicked on the webform, the 2016 membership was still in her cart. She then completed the transaction with the old price. Because the 2016 price was the same as a discount promotion we are currently offering, she thought she was eligible for the gift with purchase associated with the discount. 

    With an price increase slated for 2019, I can see this continuing to be a problem. Our organization is losing revenue on these orders, so for us it is a priory that this get resolved.

  • Breanne Leach commented
    August 20, 2018 19:13

    When this is implemented, it would be best if we could set cart time outs for anonymous and non-anonymous guests to much smaller time windows as well (currently anonymous can only be set in days, not hours or minutes). Our previous system allowed us to set all carts in minutes and gave us the opportunity to force clear at any time.

  • Breanne Leach commented
    August 20, 2018 19:05

    A recent pricing change brought this to light for us, but has brought up additional concerns as we often have events that sell out and incomplete carts could prevent other patrons from purchasing. There has to be a way to force clear/time out carts for non-anonymous users.