Altru Ideas

Improve Customized Headers in Export Definitions

It is great that we can customize headers in Export Definitions, but a little strange that we can also customize the Nodes--I have never seen a reason to want to do this, because when I am customizing headers, it's usually for the sake of the recipient of my export, who does not know or care what a node is. Nonetheless, when we run an export even with customized headers, the name of the node is also included at the beginning of each field name. There is now way for us to opt out of including the node headers in the field headers or to render them blank, either.

Since list recipients don't want this information, we invariably end up having to manually edit the headers even if we have customized them. The whole point of being able to customize headers from within the Export Definition is to save time in cleanup post-export. If we can't get rid of the node names from our headers, we are not saving any time, and the purpose of this feature is totally defeated.

We need a way to exclude the Node portion from our custom headers or at least render them blank. We still waste a lot of time cleaning up headers and the way custom headers currently work is not helpful at all.

  • Daniel Noga
  • Aug 31 2017
  • Reviewed
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    August 20, 2019 13:29

    Very much agree, having to edit after going thru the process to get cleaner information seems to defeat the purpose.

  • Lauren Chesis commented
    July 24, 2018 13:56

    Yes please! Agree 100%!

  • Guest commented
    September 20, 2017 12:41
