Altru Ideas

Membership Card Name Formats

We need the ability to set a name format that pulls from all listed members on a membership INSTEAD of pulling the spouse's name automatically.

From what I've gathered, most other museums/gardens/etc. out there offer reciprocal benefits based on a single card showing single or double membership benefits with BOTH names listed on one card. Altru's automatic behavior seems to be "give both members their own card, and include the spouse's name if a spouse's name is present."

This becomes a problem if (for instance) I get a double-membership with my brother. Say both of us are married. If the constituent information was correct, each of us would get a double-membership card that lists our respective wives. This will lead to issues in the reciprocal structure. We would get quadruple reciprocal benefits. If we could set up a name format that pulls the two names from the membership record instead of the spousal relationship, that would close this gap.

Also related, there are many museums/gardens/etc. (ourselves included) that offer a single card to double memberships by default. Double members often request a second card for the second member, but many are happy with a single card for the life of their membership. Like I said before, Altru seems to give both members their own cards by default. We need to be able to set a default to a single card with both names instead of separate cards per member.

  • Randall Rupert
  • Oct 24 2017
  • Reviewed
  • Attach files
  • Natalie Yarnal commented
    June 06, 2019 15:45

    So is there a way to print one membership card with multiple names? Or does it all have to be done separately? I know this was posted a while ago, but I wanted to see if anyone had an update. Thanks!

  • T. Rash commented
    November 17, 2017 22:20

    I typically go in and delete the secondary membership card on every record, so it would make sense to me to have a default for just one card for both people.