Altru Ideas

Next 500 Results on Browse Function

During our constituent clean-up it would be useful if more than the first 500 of the "browse" function of an ad-hoc query could be viewed. This way when going through a large number of constituent records, an exported excel sheet doesn't have to be used after you've surpassed the first 500 records. This could increase efficiency by preventing the data administrator/data entry specialist from having to use two separate programs to search each individual record one at a time. It could act as a "page" kind of system: Once the 500th record has been viewed and you click "Next Record", the browse feature loads a new page with the next 500 records. Hope this makes sense! 

  • Guest
  • Nov 13 2017
  • Reviewed
Customer references Data Entry/Data Administration - clean up of constituent entries
  • Attach files