Altru Ideas

let members register to a "waiting list" when event is full

Members are often very respectful and email or call me to tell me when they are unable to attend an event, and it would be helpful if all of the people turned away at point of registration (because it it was at full capacity) could register to a "waiting list" to let them know if there is a cancellation. 

Perhaps this would send an email to everyone on the waiting list that their event now has availability. 

Perhaps the Altru user can opt in to using a "waiting list" for any specific event, and could write a mail-merge letter with fields like <name>, <event name>, <event date>, <event time>, <event description>, <event registration link>. The patron, upon receiving the "full registration" error page, could then be directed to "check this box if you would like to know if someone cancels". When someone cancels, perhaps there could be a pop-up for the Altru-User, "Would you like to send an email to the waiting list? There are ___ people on the waiting list." Then, the pre-written merge letter could send to everyone on the waiting list. 

  • Guest
  • Jan 22 2018
  • Attach files
  • Kiku Langford McDonald commented
    October 22, 2018 19:54

    All of this idea's suggestions are brilliant!