Altru Ideas

Sort constituents by last name on Constituent Duplicate Merge preview

Currently it's sorting based on first name, while the constituent duplicate merge report is sorted by alphabetically last name. This makes it hard to match the two up and causes the process to be more time consuming

  • Guest
  • Apr 13 2018
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  • Linda O'Byrne commented
    May 03, 2018 19:54

    This was my suggestion, and honestly, I'm not sure why I am the first one to bring it up.  When I run the Altru report on duplications for my database, I print it out and spend some time researching my duplicates so I can do a good job merging accurately.  Then, when I go to the Constituent Duplicate Merge preview, I want to follow the names as recorded, by last name, in the report...but I cannot.  This is very tedious.