Altru Ideas

Want to set parameters for membership dues batches in "enter memebrship dues" mode

i would like to be able to set fixed or default parameters for batch membership entry when entered via "enter membership dues" (not in "batch entry" mode).

typically, our batches are all from the same date and the same inbound channel.  for example, the credit cards that we run in the office or that we get in the mail.  we batch them by date and inbound channel for entry.

we prefer the "enter membership dues" mode because we can see more of the information and easily make edits to benefits, names, etc.  But in this mode, we are not able to set fixed parameters (like the batch date, the payment form, the appeal, effort, inbound channel, the payment form, etc.) that would be nice to have to just set once for the batch.  by having to change it on every single gift we enter (batches can range from 1 gift to 80 gifts in our batches), we run the risk of data entry errors.

of course, i think it goes without saying that if one of the parameters we "set" was not the right one for gift, we'd like to be able to edit it in the gift entry.  For example, if we set the payment form to be Mastercard, but they paid with Amex, we'd like to be able to edit it for that gift while keeping the default setting for the next gifts.


Screen shots of what we use and how we would like to be able to edit it:


Not in this format:


thank you for your consideration.


Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

Austin, TX

  • Lori B
  • Apr 27 2018
  • Attach files
  • Regina Holten commented
    August 03, 2018 16:54

    YES!  Could do this in RE.