Altru Ideas

Set a standard membership expiration instead of a time-period term

We have one type of membership that all expire on the same date, regardless of when they purchase it. It would be nice to be able to set a term that was date specific instead of having to change the expiration date each time. This would also be very nice for those organizations that have an annual membership that runs January-December. They would not have to change the expiration date each time.

  • T. Rash
  • Sep 6 2018
  • Attach files
  • Regina Holten commented
    September 24, 2019 14:09

    Some of my memberships that are..honorary - Staff, Volunteer, I have to manually make them end the last day of our fiscal year.  To set that automatically would be nice - I remember being able to do that in RE...OR is that something I'm missing in Altru - I still consider myself a beginner in Altru!