Altru Ideas

Customizable Web Confirmation Page

Currently we have the ability to customize acknowledgment emails, but do not have the ability to customize the web confirmation page that customers immediately see after a purchase. This generic confirmation page makes customers feel like we don't even know them or the action they have just taken on our website. Immediately after every purchase the first message received is wholly generic.  The second message is through the acknowledgment email process that is specific to the transaction that just occurred but may not be received depending on when people open their email (minutes, hours, days later). That first message is currently so generic, that we repeatedly receive calls to clarify and emails to confirm transactions. It would be ideal if we could also customize the web confirmation page to match specific branding to each transaction (event, donation, program). The mixed messaging created by not having a customizable web confirmation page is troubling. 

  • Mariely Lemagne
  • Sep 11 2018
Customer references Members, Donors, Ticket Buyers
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