Altru Ideas

No flat fee per transaction due for $0 total after discount

Currently, if there is a flat fee in affect, even transactions of $0 can be charged a fee. For online transactions that have a flat fee service charge, there should be no flat fee when the total due is $0 after discounts have been applied.

The automatic removal of a flat fee is useful for giving members automatic 100% off discounts on reservations for guests admission tickets (each membership level includes benefit to bring a number of guests). Non-member patrons who do not have this benefit, would be charged the fee.

Members and patrons who use 100% off discounts (automatic and code) in online sales would benefit. Your organization would benefit by not upsetting customers with fee on $0 sales order.

If the total order amount is $0, Altru would automatically not apply the flat fee. Alternatively, on the Altru setup screen for a flat fee, there would be a checkbox to automatically remove the fee if the total amount on the order is $0.

  • T Jen
  • Aug 18 2020
  • Attach files
  • Patrick Weisz commented
    October 08, 2020 15:08

    This needs to happen ASAP . Most organizations are handling their admissions using a reservation system now and will be for a while. We are losing out on high credit card fees by having to make the choice of having fees on or off in an all or nothing situation.

  • Greg Post commented
    August 25, 2020 21:53

    I Agree and added a similar suggestion - that you have the option of setting the fee to be based on the original price or the net price.