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I understand it might be useful for some organizations to sort their check-in alphabetically, but for us this does not make much sense. The limited roster and check-in feature is not at all user friendly. If you have a large group checking in with different last names or input as "Adult 1" "Adult 2" etc, it's a nightmare to try and find each to mark as attended. The option to sort by host name would make the most sense, or even the ability to filter by purchaser / search the roster.
We use preregistered programs for the registration questions and want the names for reference, but we rarely have a group or family check in by individual names. The Host generally checks in all tickets they purchased. It would save so much time to be able to mark an entire host group as attended instead of searching for individual names.
Our reservations coordinator created an export to actually format the roster the way that you describe (the way that, to us, makes sense). It does the job well, but it does seem silly to require this entire extra step (as well as making us use a paper roster that we then have to reconcile online, which is kind of a waste of paper)