Altru Ideas

Business Process for scheduling Email Jobs

I've set up a monthly business process (Admin>Business Processes>Job Schedules) to notify members via EMAIL that their membership is expiring next month and will be automatically renewed. The business process "completed", however I cannot see that the email was sent. I have a screen shot of the email status for the renewal effort.

When processing renewals that incorporate emails, I will export the effort and manually initiate the sending of the emails. I'm hoping I won't have to initiate the email for the auto-renew notice.

Treanor - Blackbaud Support: Thank you for your patience! So in order for these emails to send, you will need to click "Start Email Job" here: The process will automatically run, but you will still need to go in and select this option for the emails to send.12:58:04 PM

Me: Ok. So even though the membership effort automatically runs, the email is not automatically sent. Is it possible to set up a business process that automatically starts the email job?

Treanor - Blackbaud Support:That's correct! And there is not currently a process that we could create that would automatically send out these emails.

  • claudia smith
  • Apr 15 2021
  • Attach files
  • T. Rash commented
    August 10, 2021 20:17

    Really not much point in it being automatic, if it isn't fully automatic!