Altru Ideas

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Allow customization/filter of constituent's revenue summary.

Currently, constituent's revenue summaries cannot be customized. There are a few cases in which this would be very helpful:

  1. Gift-in-kind donations. Some constituents have given us large gift-in-kind donations which are not actually as helpful as a cash gift would have been. When our Exec. Director looks at their record, it looks as if they have given thousands in donations when really they've never donated save the odd thing they gave to us because they wanted to get rid of it. Having the option to not include GIK in constituent's revenue summaries would be great.

  2. Soft credits. Since some constituents give through a foundation every time, it would be nice if we could choose to include soft credits in the revenue summary. I know that this shows up in the recognition summary, but that is less efficient and you don't always know that you have to look there.

  • Guest
  • Dec 15 2021
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