Altru Ideas

Start over from scratch with Webforms

It's really quite incredible how many good ideas there are here for Webforms, and how few have been implemented. As can be seen from the age of many of these ideas, Webforms in Altru are woefully out of date. In 2024 we still can't:

  • Add images to webforms (save for a logo at the top of all webforms)

  • Allow constituents to check their membership status/event registrations/donation history.

  • Easily send out reminder emails about pre-registered events.

  • Allow detailed constituent info to populate their constituent record (age/pronouns/relationships/etc.).

  • See the time of event when in responsive (phone) view.

  • Allow constituents who sign up for a Family Membership be automatically put into the same Household.

  • Allow constituents to view the contents of their cart while they continue to shop.

  • Etc...

At this point, I have to assume that the technology underlying Altru's Webforms simply won't allow any of the above functionality. It all seems like table stakes for most CMS's these days, but it's just not there in Altru.

With all that said, I think Blackbaud should start from scratch with Webforms with the aim of making them modern and up to date. If organizations would prefer the old webforms - or if not using them would break something - they'd have the ability to continue to use them. The new Webforms 2.0 could start small (maybe just some of the above ideas) but be built in a way that would make improving them easier and quicker.

  • Nick Gaffney
  • Jul 5 2024
Customer references Constituents; Staff; Program Managers
  • Attach files
  • Shannon Knight commented
    27 Aug 14:58

    I would just like to change the green for button on selection. It clashes with the branding color schedule of every single one of my clients.

    Maybe as a short-term solution, make the default color scheme for all webforms neutral greys.

  • Guest commented
    10 Jul 20:03

    Yes, PLEASE.

    Instead of taking time to implement SKY UX for the Altru App, please spend the time overhauling the most public-facing, and out-dated aspect of Altru.