Altru Ideas

Add Membership Expiration Date/Status filter to Export Definition Options

Would love to have the ability to filter the membership information that is pulling into an export definition by Descending Expiration Date and or Membership Status.

We have DECADES of membership data where a good portion of our members have switched from one membership program to another for any number of reasons (sunsetting the program/levels, upgrading or downgrading from one program to another, etc.), but when I try to pull an constituent export with their giving history info and most recent membership info, I still wind up with out of date membership information since a lot of the old data was imported from our old databases and the "date added" "date changed" dates are all the import date (many folks may have been members in the past but are now only donors, but we want to know how long it's been since they were members).

If I could filter by descending Membership Expiration Date in my export definitions it would make my detailed donor/member history reports more accurate for analysis when we solicit for rejoining our membership program.

  • Stephanie Dunham
  • Oct 3 2024
  • Attach files