Altru Ideas

Ability to customize webforms

Soon, we are going to be redesigning our website. It has been brought up multiple times that Altru webforms are not able to be customized to suit our organization. This is a problem, especially now that we are going to have a great new updated website. Please make this a priority! We need the ability to make the webforms custom to our organization and the ability to edit them to suit our needs for specific membership programs and special events.
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
  • Reviewed
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  • Daniel Noga commented
    March 27, 2017 15:50

    We would definitely love the ability to customize webforms, especially by adding custom fields similar to RE:'s Participant Attributes. We rely on that functionality in Online Express fairly heavily. We are converting from RE:/Online Express to Altru and I am disappointed that there are actually fewer options for webform customization as opposed to more. Given the number of clients likely to undergo the same type of migration, it's unfortunate how many organizations will end up taking a step down as far as webforms are concerned; most other features in Altru seem to actually improve on RE: and that is good, but this is a step in the opposite direction.

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