Change delivery default when 'block this delivery method X period before event' is selected
Peter at support asked me to put this one out to the community. The scenario i'm working with is this:
In advanced sales we offer two delivery methods, mail and will call, of which mail is the default. In the delivery method settings, I have checked the box to block mail as a delivery option within 10 days of an event since there isn't adequate time for shipping after that point. But, when I go to create an order in advanced sales, mail is still the default within that 10 day window and has to be manually changed to will call on every sale.
For the most part it is a minor annoyance, but when the event is 2 days out, there are 100 tickets still to sell and the phone is ringing off the hook, one more step adds up quickly.
It seemed logical to me that when the block was indicated for a specific sales method, the next available delivery option should be made the default for that event.