Altru Ideas

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Report that shows both the paid attendance as well as the discounted and unpaid attendance for general admissions.

We are looking for a report that shows both the paid attendance as well as the discounted and unpaid attendance for general admissions.

An example would be the following:

We have a $5 admission fee. However, if you show an AAA card, you get $1 off admissions.

Currently I have to pull a general admission # report for audience number, a total income report for revenue, and a discount report for number of discounted tickets in order to determine how many people came on which kind of discount and the total revenue associated with each ticket type.

Am I missing a report that is a one stop shop for this information?
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
Query / Reports / Sales
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  • Stephanie Dunham commented
    June 02, 2023 18:44

    I wish I could up-vote this more than once! I would also love to see a report like this for programs where we offer discount codes as well.

  • +18