Allow for a different set of required fields for guests for web form events
We've noticed that some patrons, and some staff, register themselves plus their friends for events on Altru webforms but what happens is a Constituent gets created for all of those. The real problem is that the email address for the primary is then copied to all other guests. It would be nice if we could have email required for the primary (because we do want that) and optional for the guests. I know that people could put their friend's email addresses in instead but we've found that's not usually the case. I suppose this idea could just be expanded into more granularity around web forms in general.
YES! We had this happen with a recent event where one of our longstanding members paid for several other longstanding members to attend an event. Her address, email address, and phone number got copied to all of their constituent records, and it was an absolute mess!
And while you're at it, don't make the assumption that all guests live at the same mailing address. This is not true most of the time and people don't see that checkbox and think to un-check it, no matter what we change the language to say.
Love this... would save soooooo much time not having to go into the new records and update the incorrect information!