Altru Ideas

Apply an Automatic discount with date restriction to Advance Sale order when sale date exists during discount date

We ran across this last year and it has recently come up again, since we have a discount (or 2) that we only want allowed to use during a certain time frame (say 1 week or so) per year.

When we are taking calls from guests who will visit at a future date, we are obviously making use of Advance Sales, where if there is a "restriction" time frame on a discount that the current date is not found in, we are unable to apply the discount for the future visit.

What would be the most helpful and useful, is if the date of the visit that we are setting up for guests to attend under a certain program, would be used to also automatically apply the discount that is found for that program, given that the visit date falls within the discount time frame.
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
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