Altru Ideas

Add a "last used" date field to contact info

As I am reviewing data from recent online orders, it struck me that it would be really nice if there was an additional field connected to addresses, phone numbers, and emails, say between the "start date" and "end date" fields, of "last used date" or a "last confirmed date." That info would be really helpful when reviewing a constituent's record. For example, we have long time constituents who haven't moved or changed their data much, but are still clearly active. So their contact info might show a start date of 2000, but in a sense they are constantly using/confirming that their contact info is still correct. Obviously you can dig into sales orders and figure this, but for the purposes of quickly querying on up-to-date contact info, this would be so beneficial! Right now I am inclined to just change the start date to today's date to indicate the contact info is good, but that additional field would be preferred.

An added benefit--front desk staff could confirm with constituents that their contact info is correct and then enter today's date in that field, which would let me know that even though the start date of an address is old, the data is still useful.

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  • Jan 4 2016
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