Altru Ideas

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Need an easier way to transfer multiple payments when changing primary member

It would be great if there were an easier way to transfer all past payments from one constituent to another without manually going into each payment record.

We have a number of households where the person currently designated as the primary member isn't the person with the stronger connection to our museum. For example, John Doe and Jane Doe are both members, John is the primary and has 30 past membership and donation payments on his record, but Jane is a docent with many volunteer hours logged on her record. If I want to make Jane the primary (for purposes such as reporting on docent giving), the cleanup takes a LONG time.

It would save a lot of time if there were an option, when we choose to change the primary member, to also have all prior payments switched to the new primary member (or even better, if we could select to transfer them by payment type - eg. all membership payments, event payments, etc). 
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  • Jan 4 2016
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