Altru Ideas

Ability to run test transactions and without creating a permanent record

I don't know if this is something others have run into, or if is just me being new to the system.  I recently made the mistake of trying to test an event webform by running a $0 order.  When we later decided our 'event' would be better off as a program, I found myself with a sales order preventing me from deleting an event which we are not using.

This got me to thinking that it would be really nice to have some kind of mechanism that could be used to run test transactions (preferably for all for the sales methods) which would not create a permanent record, or could at least be reversed.  

Our old ticketing system used to have a false credit card number that any of their clients could use for test transactions and the system would automatically mark it as 'test' so it didn't get pulled in reports etc.  Ideally I would love to have a 'test' constituent for whom you could run orders, processes, etc without repercussions.

  • Dayna Aldridge
  • Jan 4 2016
  • Attach files
  • +3