Altru Ideas

Open pledge notice or tab

It seems to be fairly difficult to identify pledges from a constituent page. It would be nice if, when viewing the constituent page, there was some kind of indicator that there is an open (balance due) pledge associated with the constituent.  I addition (or perhaps alternately) it would be nice if there was a pledge subtab under revenue, like there is with gifts, tributes etc. 
  • Dayna Aldridge
  • Jan 4 2016
  • Reviewed
  • Attach files
  • Jean Magazzu commented
    February 09, 2017 21:50

    Amen!  This is an ongoing issue for us.  A pledge is entered, but by the time the payment is made you forget that it was originally entered as a pledge, and Altru gives you no warning that there's a pledge with a balance due.  So, you enter it as a new payment, then find out later that it was supposed to be applied to the pledge.  Quite frustrating.

  • +1