Altru Ideas

Authorize cards instead of charging them when swiping in Daily Sales or Advance Sales.

When you swipe a credit card in Daily Sales and add it as a payment method to a Sales order in either Advance or Daily Sales the card is charged immediately. This is not an authorization and your merchant account will incur fees right away as well as the charge hitting the customer's card. This is all occurring before you click "Complete" on the order page. As a BBMS and Altru user I expect that the integration of these two products should add value and reliability to us as users but instead it seems that an issue like this is actually harder to address. In most other "add a payment" windows there is a clear check box "authorize card on save" this is not mentioned anywhere in the Daily or Advance Sales payment windows. Why is Altu charging the complete amount to the card only to refund the amount if you press the "Cancel" button? I ask that this be changed to authorize the card rather than charge. This is more predictable and expected behavior reflecting the interface and the user's workflow. Please don't charge cards unless orders are completed - this does not add value for our business nor our customers.
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  • Jan 4 2016
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