We are starting a new product discovery and research effort around improving the Guest Experience around the Daily Sales Process.
We need your input on which of the items below you would like us to work on first; which 3 should be our top priority?
1. Applying Discounted Tickets to a Membership Purchase
2. Partial refunds on discounted items (refund 1 item on a buy 3 get 1 free promo)
3. Withholding a cancelation/admin fee during the refund process (canceled registration)
4. Exchange Functionality
5. Notification in Daily Sales (e.g. major donor, board member)
6. Customizable Tickets/Additional Ticket Templates
7. Quick Access Buttons on the Daily Sales Page (Refund, Pop Drawer, Group Check-in)
8. Reducing the number or receipts printed
9. Printing Sales Documents (i.e. receipts) from any browser
10. Manual Price Override/Discounts on any type of item purchased
Also, if you are interested in this area, please feel free to email me at
Tui.Allen@blackbaud.com or even better
select a time and we will including you in this discovery process and show you some of the cool prototypes we are working on!
4, 9, and 6 in that order. Exchange functionality is essential in sales.
1. Not on the list, but very important: the ability to refund an item, even when a partial refund has already been given.
2. Customizable Tickets/Additional Ticket Templates (this should include the ability to send an eticket for Daily Sales purchases).
3. 9. Printing Sales Documents (i.e. receipts) from any browser (Internet Explorer isn't going to cut it for much longer with Windows 10 around).
Here are my votes:
6. Customizable Tickets/Additional Ticket Templates
7. Quick Access Buttons on the Daily Sales Page (Refund, Pop Drawer, Group Check-in)
9. Printing Sales Documents (i.e. receipts) from any browser