Altru Ideas

How to quickly add members to free programs by scanning them in?

We have added barcodes to our membership cards. The barcodes are the members' lookup ID. When we have a program that is free for members, I would love to be able to quickly add them as attending the program. Currently, the only way I know how to add them is to go into Daily/Advanced sales, scan the barcode into the Patron line, choose which program they are attending, how many are attending and complete the order. That is a lot of steps for a member that is free.

Is there a way to scan their barcode right into a program/event so it adds them as attending without having to do a whole "sale" in Daily/Advanced sales. This would be used for the day-of the program/event, when we have a rush of members coming to a program all at once and we want to get them in quickly. The trick is, they don't have to get a ticket beforehand for these free programs. So we wouldn't have a ticket to scan in.They can just show up the day-of the event.

What made me think of this is how we can quickly scan in eTickets. Is there a way to take this concept and allow it for scanning in membership cards for programs/events?

  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
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  • Randall Rupert commented
    March 22, 2017 21:21

    I would recommend advertising your online sales portal to members as an option to speed up their entry.

    Of course, they aren't required to purchase their tickets in advance, but if they did you'd have an idea of the crowd to expect at your event. Then they'd have their eticket for quick scanning.

    Basically a perk to getting their tickets in advance online. This would only be helpful if you could process pre-purchased tickets in a separate line from day-of sales. But the idea might help you out.

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