Altru Ideas

Can I use the household name as the addressee for a mailing?

We have set up households for nearly all of our active users using both the standard naming convention and customizing when necessary, but when we run mailings we aren't able to use the household names that we've set up as addressees. Instead, we have to set up an across the board standard for how all the couples will be addressed and manually make edits after running the mailing, which is more or less feasible depending on how many pieces we're sending (ie, it's doable but time consuming for an acknowledgement batch and next to impossible for all but our top level donors with fundraising appeals and other mass mailings). It seems that the standard addressee and salutation options should correlated to the household names we've set up in the system.

Is there a name format that allows us to use what we've defined for the household name as the addressee and salutation?
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
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