Altru Ideas

Additional On-Sale Period Ends items

We would like to see "Hours after Start" and maybe even "Days after Start" added to teh On-Sale Period Ends drop-down list. Currently we enter large minute amounts but having hours or days would make data entry easier.
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
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  • Laura Bull commented
    November 04, 2022 14:27

    All of the On-Sale Period End options are based on the program Start time. It would be nice to have an option that is based on the event End time. We have run into issues when we have a back-to-back program, and we have had to adjust the On Sale time, so that the 2nd program appears in Daily Sales. Our daily hours vary, so we can't just leave it open all day for all of the days.

  • Sarah Maddux commented
    April 05, 2016 18:49

    A calendar to choose the specific day and time would be helpful to us for a number of our programs!

  • +5