Altru Ideas

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Close drawer reports need to include back office revenue or have a separate back office "close drawer" report

At my organization, we submit a Close Drawer report at the end of the day so that the person who does deposits knows that we have all our checks in. It's also a double check for those who enter money. I enter several different types of revenue- Group sales (mostly), Daily Sales, Advance Sales and Misc revenue.

When I run my Close Drawer report, it only includes certain revenue. If I include all the checks I enter that day, it shows my drawer as over. If I don't include those checks, there's not a record to show the person who deposits that I did enter those checks. I think it only includes the "sales" revenue, so my back office checks don't show.

We need a Close Drawer report included in, or in addition to, the Sales Close Drawer report. (Although I'd rather not run two separate reports.)
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  • Jan 4 2016
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