Altru Ideas

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Membership upgrade between levels - what to do with the old membership that still has time left on it?

I have a scenario I need some help on:

John Smith has a Family Membership (under $100 level) that is good until February of next year. He decides to also become a Patron Member ($500 level and in a different membership program than Family level) right now. Usually if someone upgrades within the same Program we just prorate their dues. But, since this is a large jump, and not within the same program, that doesn't seem to be the best option. So, what to do?

I could Cancel the Family Membership and make the reason be "Upgrade to new Program" (or something like that). But I don't like how it says Cancelled. Is there a way to change the membership than Cancel? I'm afraid to Delete it - I don't want to lose historical info.

I could change the expiration date to the date I add them as a Patron Member. Yet that would make them lapsed. I would be afraid that when we ran the renewal process that they would come up as someone we need to ask to renew, when in reality we don't since they are now the Patron level.

How do you all do it?

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  • Jan 4 2016
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  • Guest commented
    January 30, 2018 00:37

    We have a similar conundrum. 

    We have a dues based membership program for entry level members ($70-$500) and a contributions based membership program ($1000-$15,000) as the next step. 

    When someone upgrades from the dues based program, Altru shows that this original membership has been cancelled (or we could have it as lapsed, but we don't want them to receive renewal letters, as you've also mentioned). This is inaccurate and misleading. It would be helpful if there was a way to inform Altru that certain programs are essentially "connected", allowing for an upgrade or downgrade from one program to another. 

    Another issue that is similar to yours:

    If a member renews early at an upgraded level, Altru upgrades the current term of membership also. 

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