Altru Ideas

Blatant Warnings for Program Event Conflicts

Program Event conflicts are a little subtle and easy to miss if you're putting in a lot of events or in a hurry. They should instead be really obvious -- a warning instead of a subtle nudge. A pop-up box in bright red with flashing text... okay, flashing text may be overkill but something really clear to whomever is setting up the meeting that they need to review the conflict and either fix it or override it.
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
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  • Guest commented
    August 17, 2017 18:40

    Or send an alert to the person whose reservation was overridden, so they are aware that someone is trying to schedule an event that conflicts with the location of an event that they have already booked.

  • April Geiselman commented
    August 17, 2017 18:07

    What we would like is for the original event creator to receive a warning that someone has (tried) double booked an event and that they have to allow it.

  • +5