Altru Ideas

We value your unique insight into our products and services and often receive ideas and feedback from our community in a variety of ways. To streamline this process, we’ve created an idea bank where you can post product suggestions, vote for those most important to you, and add comments to existing ideas.

Show Balance Owed in Group Check-in window

When checking in a group we sometimes need to make changes to the number of guests that are attending the field trip or birthday party. But when we add or reduce the numbers of guests, the balance owed doesn't change... is there a way to do this so that we can tell the group the total owed before we actually check the group in? I know that we can go to their reservation and edit it as well, but we like using the group check in tab when possible but, would like to see the balance owed before checking the group in.

Thank you!
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
  • Attach files
  • +4