Altru Ideas

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Standard Report on Event Revenue Detail by Constituent (Designation, Ticket Sales, Sponsorship Included)

Why is there is not a standard report where I can easily see event revenue detail including designations, ticket sales, and sponsorships by constituent? This is a very basic need of any nonprofit organization and I cannot believe that there is nothing in Altru to address it.

We have a revenue report - but you can't filter it by event.

We can create a query - but if you need designations and orders, it gives you duplicates - and just removing duplicates doesn't work because constituents could have multiple payments that look exactly the same.

Please explain why this is not in the basic reporting structure of Altru and when it will be. It seems to me offering better filtering of the standard reports, and offering hyperlinks to details would be an important priority of the development team.
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  • Jan 4 2016
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