Altru Ideas

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Limit promo code to a certain number of uses

A couple of my clients have expressed interest in a similar scenario:

1. Create a promo code discount for a specific marketing push going out in the media

2. Set the discount to  limited number of uses (100)

3. Marketing content states "First 100 people to use this code get X% off!"

4. Promo code disables itself after the 100th use, and the 101st order pays full price. 

Can we add a usage limiter to the promo code discount, not per order, but for the lifetime of the code? I can see this as a feature also being valuable for manual and automtic discounts potentially as well. 

This is a similar scenario to the idea of decrementing membership entitlements usage.
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
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  • Breanne Leach commented
    June 19, 2024 00:59

    Just checking in as it's been EIGHT years since I voted on this idea/this idea was created (and nearly five since the new idea I posted in the comments was created).

  • Breanne Leach commented
    November 13, 2019 01:35

    Update to my previous comment. I spoke to Support and they created a new idea here as there's been no movement on this idea.

  • Breanne Leach commented
    November 08, 2019 20:30

    Has there been any movement on this? I voted on it a few years ago and haven't seen any updates.

  • +13