Altru Ideas

Has anyone ever told you that you talk too much! or: Help, I need to type more than the field space allows!

Our museum use to use Outlook Calendar to list all events for all staff to see in one easy spot. Within Outlook, I could enter all data pertaining to an event: how to set up the room, what materials would need to be pulled from where, et al, with no character/space limitations. Now we are using the Altru event calendar. Please advise on how I can enter notes to events that can be viewed by all staff. The description field only allows so many typed characters, and we just need more room. Is there another field I am not aware of? is there a way to attach a 'note'? I know we have the 'resources needed' option, but that really doesn't help since every event requires slightly different items. Please advise on how to proceed. We do not wish to continue using Outlook... to have to enter the same data/info into two programs would be frustration and not very time efficient. I look forward to any help and guidance! I just need an unlimited window to type in.
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
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  • Guest commented
    September 25, 2017 18:55

    Totally Agree! Our event descriptions automatically feed to our website calendar and the restrictive nature of the description field is very frustrating. 

  • +2