Organizational Calendar - view only role
Our organization is going to be using the Organizational Calendar for everything, and stop using our Master Calendar in Outlook. I just trained some staff on the Org Calendar (using the calendar view only role) and they had 2 questions I could not answer:
1. Is there a way to search for items on the calendar? I know you can do that on the Events Calendar, but we need to also be able to do it on the Org Calendar for the staff who will only have the Org Calendar View role. An example of why we would need this: a board member calls a staff member who only has the Org Calendar View Only role and they ask when the next board meeting is. Instead of the staff member scrolling through the Org Calendar in hopes of finding it, it would be great if they could search for it.
2. Is there a way to filter by location so that you can see a list of all things happening in that location by date and time? I know you can filter for location in the Events calendar, but we need to also be able to do it on the Org Calendar for the staff who will only have the Org Calendar View role.