Altru Ideas

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Delete attribute categories and constituencies at once/in a batch

My organization is going through a major database clean up and we are starting with attribute and constituencies. I am not able to delete attributes or constituency categories from the database without browsing one by one each record and deleting each attribute or constituency. It's frankly quite ridiculous. I just got through one category, 200 records later, went to delete it and it said that it is used a query and that I can not delete. There is no way for me to figure out which query the attribute is used in? Ugh.

  • Emily Brown
  • May 3 2018
  • Attach files
  • Dawn DeFrank commented
    December 03, 2020 18:50

    Agree. .... after converting to Altru with all the clean up.

  • Guest commented
    November 14, 2018 16:49

    I am running into this issue now regarding the queries. We have recently made a couple additions to our membership programs and I am having to manually go through and figure out where additions are needed. It'd be AMAZING if I could see all the queries that included these membership criteria, so I easily know where I need to add these new membership levels. Instead I'm picking through and hoping that if I don't catch something now, I catch it when I go to actually run the query. Certainly nothing could go wrong with that....

  • Carol Radel commented
    September 05, 2018 18:26

    I know this is from months ago, but if you are still cleaning, you can easily delete the attributes and constituencies via global changes. However, as you said, the inability to delete the Attribute categories, find the queries, etc., is maddening!