Altru Ideas

Restrict the visibility of price types on web forms for members vs. non-members.

It would be great if there was a way to restrict the visibility of certain price types on web forms.

For example, you could restrict Member price types to only show up on a web form once a member signs in and Altru sees they are a current member. If we could do that, I think that would help with making sure someone is a member when they purchase the member price, and you would also not have to do the ugly work-around of making the member price type a crazy amount and then once they sign in it will adjust to the member price using a discount.

Also, that would help with Members-Only programs as well. You could make the program only have the Member price type as an option and so when you click on the web form, there won't be any price type options available until you sign in. Then the member price type would show up once you sign in AND Altru sees that you are a current member. If you sign in and are not a current member, the price type won't show up and thus you won't be able to purchase a ticket for the Members-Only program.
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
  • Reviewed
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  • Micah Vanderhoof commented
    February 12, 2018 22:45

    Yes, this in lieu of "face price" would be great.  the face price always makes members nervous - as in, why is my ticket that should be $5 showing that it's $10, and so in every program's web form language we have to put "your discount will be applied after you log in", which is ridiculous.  

  • +5