Altru Ideas

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Add children names and birthdays to the membership web form

I've heard requests to add children names and birthdays to membership web forms and create constituent records for them, linked as a relationship with the primary member.  Please vote if you'd also like this and comment with any other details.
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  • Amy Osajima commented
    October 18, 2021 15:47

    Oh, and I second this comment from 2018 about relationships:
    "We need this function! We also need to have constituents provide relationships to the people on their membership. This is one of the biggest impediments to using Altru webforms for membership at our institution. Instead, we have to use Formsite and PayPal to take in online memberships, and then manually enter in all of the captured information."

  • Amy Osajima commented
    October 18, 2021 15:46

    After 5 years, and 190 votes, is it time yet? What is it going to take to make this happen?

  • Kelley Donselar commented
    November 11, 2020 16:30

    We use child age for a variety of things - solicitation for age-based events, grants, tracking age range of member families, etc. We also look up child names on a membership as a way to allow nannies/caretakers to use the membership. Not being able to enter family information online has been a challenge for staff and members alike. It's circuitous to have to enter the child info after the sale has been completed. Please implement this.

  • Catie Walker commented
    December 04, 2019 16:37

    This is a very important thing that needs to be added. We need to collect children's names to help prevent abuse of memberships, but it is not user friendly AT ALL. You can't differentiate between the two named adults and children on a record on web forms so we end up having to do a lot of back end work to make the record look better and sometimes guess at who the second adult should be to link them up in the household. It's crazy to me that this isn't more of a priority???? 

  • Cindy Eatwell commented
    November 11, 2019 21:05

    We use another provider for selling memberships online so we can collect the needed information.  We then have to sell the memberships in Altru using an other payment method.  We will not be able to use Altru web forms for membership sales until this and a couple of other issues are resolved.      

  • Kate Gantzer-Hayes commented
    October 30, 2019 17:22

    Yes PLEASE add child name and birth date to the web form! Until this is added we need to build all sorts of misc work arounds to create the child/family membership information we need  to provide quality communications and service. The current web forms don't really work for us. We would also like the children linked to the primary member. 

  • Guest commented
    October 11, 2018 20:42

    We need this function! We also need to have constituents provide relationships to the people on their membership. This is one of the biggest impediments to using Altru webforms for membership at our institution. Instead, we have to use Formsite and PayPal to take in online memberships, and then manually enter in all of the captured information.

  • Guest commented
    May 14, 2018 17:48

    there needs to be an extremely clear way to separate children's records, if you do this. Perhaps children cannot be included in the Appeal section (as we shouldn't be sending emails mailings to children under any circumstance), and where they are given an automatic, unique appeal code that expires when the child turns 18 or 21. 

    Perhaps the child's constituent record can be associated with a membership, but in a separate way than the adults. Perhaps there can be another section, "children on membership", instead of just having a number field. It would give essential background information that could be used in a renewal/upgrade letter. 

    this would also be incorporated into an enhanced member check-in, where Altru asks specifically which members on the account are present for check-in. If Tommy the 8 year old comes every week, but Jack the 14 year old never comes, that helps us when talking to Mom about engagement and upgrade opportunities. 

  • Sarah Maddux commented
    February 08, 2018 19:30

    We'd love to be able to add other "Personal Information" fields, too. We were hoping to add an optional demographics or interests survey to our online membership forms, but this doesn't appear to be possible (we are adding these to our paper membership forms and manually entering the data into constituent records). 

  • Guest commented
    January 26, 2018 19:35

    We would use this form to be sure that our members are only registering kids to their membership that are the correct age.  if you are 18 and up at our institution, you are no longer eligible to be a child on a membership and this would help screen for that.  We are using webforms but only because it does save so much time but we know that people are going around our age rules and we would like to have everyone follows the same rules.

  • Guest commented
    November 01, 2017 18:19

    We totally need this! We are trying to get good data and need birthdates and children's info to know who we are serving.

  • Guest commented
    July 21, 2017 18:26

    By not having this - we are not providing excellence in customer service or a story of impact to others.  

  • Dave Judy commented
    June 01, 2017 00:24

    I would agree - even though children are not necessarily going to be considered members, it is necessary to capture their names and birthdays as members of the household, ideally during the online sale.

  • Molly Mix commented
    March 14, 2017 23:20

    The inability to distinguish between adults and children and to capture birthdays via the Altru membership web forms is exactly the reason we are unable to use them, and instead have a ridiculously labor intensive process via PayPal and manually enter every online membership in the back end. It would be an invaluable tool for any museum that needs to track data this way. I strongly suggest making this available.

  • Sabina Ion commented
    July 08, 2016 14:09

    We absolutely need this!  We use this information to send birthday cards, target market for camp, birthday parties, etc.  Having this information is very important for our operations.  It has a revenue impact that is significant.

  • Guest commented
    May 02, 2016 15:43

    We would be more eager to transition to using membership web forms if this information was captured on the web form. Right now, we would have to call each member to get the info we needed!

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