Altru Ideas

We value your unique insight into our products and services and often receive ideas and feedback from our community in a variety of ways. To streamline this process, we’ve created an idea bank where you can post product suggestions, vote for those most important to you, and add comments to existing ideas.

Apply donations made in Daily Sales or Online to an appeal

We‰Ûªd like to connect donations taken through the front gate/daily sales to a specific appeal of the same GL designation. Currently donations taken through Daily Sales only have a designation, no appeal.
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    • J Wall commented
      August 07, 2024 15:14

      CRM is all about data and yet, how will query reports be accurate when basic functionality doesn't exist in a fundraising based CRM? I stand with over 600 of my fundraising colleagues requesting this service. I have been waiting since 2018 when I first posed this to Altru. For Altru to have ignored this basic customer request, is offensive and practically criminal - at a minimum we should get a refund for your lack of attention and disregard for solving a key interface correction. Why would we invest in any other functionality, even your upcoming AI featured product, when this basic function doesn't exist? I invite Altru to contact me directly - I would be willing to work with the team to solve this issue. Perhaps after 6+ years, you are ready to come to the table.

      Janet Wall, Director of Development & Communications

    • Claire Morton commented
      October 19, 2023 14:56

      What is the status of tracking online donations from appeals?! We are new to Altru and surprised this basic functionality does not exist through a technically sophisticated company like Blackbaud. Can someone please provide an estimate on when this will be addressed? Thanks!

    • Katie Nelson commented
      April 26, 2023 19:34

      Can this be done for memberships too?

    • Victoria Lonberg commented
      March 16, 2023 20:25

      This is critical! So frustrating to have to track incoming donations from appeals manually on spreadsheets, instead of using Altru, as it should be! Please listen to customers and add this feature for online sales. Almost 99% of donations are made online! It's a shame we were not told this during sales calls when we stressed the importance of tracking our revenue streams...

    • Sarah Andrews commented
      February 09, 2023 19:01

      PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE - this is vital to our effective marketing and tracking of membership and donation income. With the majority of our member renewals coming in online, or at our Daily Sales desk, it is imperative that we be able to track associated appeals - especially if we have a promo offer going. This has been suggested for the past SIX YEARS!!!

    • Laura Starks commented
      September 28, 2022 14:30

      We encourage online donations in our appeal solicitations. The need to track the donations/donors to the appeal is vital to tracking and reporting.

    • Lisa Chai commented
      September 26, 2022 21:07

      This feature (plus the merged idea of adding an appeal code to an online donation) would be extremely helpful to accurately capture the performance of an appeal especially that more and more donations occur online these days.

    • Katie Adams commented
      September 26, 2022 16:55

      It is mind boggling that you cannot assign an appeal to an online transaction. It's 2022, digital appeals exist! Online responses to mailed appeals exist!

    • Andrea Kellner commented
      June 08, 2022 20:20

      Any updates?

    • Laura Moore commented
      May 06, 2022 17:05

      We take renewal donations at the front desk and would like to be able to apply them to appeals so we can have accurate reporting.

    • Wendi Ammons commented
      March 24, 2022 17:36

      First suggested in 2016! 600+ votes! Come ON, Blackbaud, listen to your clients, please.

    • Shannon Knight commented
      March 10, 2022 14:32

      Any updates on when this will be fixed?

    • Leslie Bline commented
      March 09, 2022 22:18

      Even our Altru trainer was surprised this wasn't already a thing. It isn't even a "new idea." It's simply correcting an error in your system.

    • Lisa Saneda commented
      February 15, 2022 18:30

      Please. We all really need to have some easier way to track online gifts for appeals. I hate when the director asks how the appeal is going, and I have to make a guess. We've gotten to where we just say any online donation between 2 dates is toward the appeal, but not officially attached to the record. What an awful way to track important data. And that data becomes lost if the spreadsheet isn't secured or if the keeper of the data leaves.

    • Guest commented
      February 15, 2022 18:18

      Another huge issue for us. Tracking appeal response for online transactions is a must have!

      Jessie Falcone

      Free Library of Philadelphia Foundation

    • Meredith Thomasson commented
      January 06, 2022 22:13

      This would be INCREDIBLY helpful!

    • Guest commented
      January 06, 2022 22:09

      PLEASE PLEASE fix this issue - is a real problem in the real world!

    • Guest commented
      December 13, 2021 17:34

      Why has this idea not been reviewed yet? It is an issue for everyone that uses Altru. The appeal functions are usless because of this.

    • Development Manager commented
      December 03, 2021 02:32

      I would appreciate this as well. We get donations online that were motivated by an appeal letter but I have no way of connecting the two!! Please let me edit an existing payment to be able to connect an appeal mailing to it. It would making calculating the appeal response rate a lot easier too.

    • Guest commented
      November 15, 2021 14:51

      This is making reporting complicated and very difficult. I cannot even use the appeal reports because the numbers are incorrect. This is a huge flaw that should have be corrected!

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