Altru Ideas

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Run all membership card processes at once

We only issue cards for our General Membership programs, and so all our membership card processes deal with the same pool of members. Currently we have 6 different processes for each version of the acknowledgement letter. These processes must be run in a particular order so that members from one category don't bleed through to another.

It would be great if there was an option to check "Run All" or "Run Selected." The acknowledgement letter merge process allows users to specify the order in which merge processes should be applied - could that happen in the membership area too?
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
  • Reviewed
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    • Guest commented
      March 30, 2016 17:58

      I also have many processes of membership cards to match the acknowledgement letters we print. It would be helpful to have it structured like the acknowledgement letters, where I can select which cards to run or run them all in the specified order.

      however, I would need the card processes to export individually into their own spreadsheets.

      Also, it would be helpful if each process could be cancelled individually even if it was processed as a group (in case of an error, it is easier to reprocess a group of 100 than 600).

    • +4